"For you have been born again not of a corruptible seed, but incorruptible, through the living and enduring word of God" 1 Peter 1:23
A mango seed comes from a mango tree and can only produce mangoes. An incorruptible seed comes from an incorruptible tree and can only produce incorruptible fruit. I think I can safely say that the incorruptible tree is God. So what does it mean to produce incorruptible fruit - the same fruit God produces?
"God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were" Romans 4:17
So a young man by the name of Zeb Mengistu was called by God to go back to his home country of Ethiopia. He had a dream of helping the poor and reaching the lost. One day he was scheduled to preach at a certain church where you had to park your car and walk through a slum-like area to get to the church. As he began walking he became overwhelmed by it all. Falling to his knees he asks God "Where do you even start?" God replied "In the beginning was the word." He knew then, that God starts with putting words, putting dreams in each of us. We are not called to declare what is not but to declare as though it is. And I call this Hope.
My Hope is in You Lord, the only One who can bring life to the dead and call the things that are not as though they were. The only reason I can produces mangoes...
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