Monday, April 18, 2011


Do you get those uncontrollable urges to do something to change the world?
I do too!

Well yesterday it came over me.  Some of you are lucky enough to put action it, but what does it mean for the rest of us?  What does it mean for me on an everyday basis?  How can God use me now?  These questions have plagued me many of times and the answers never seem fully satisfying.  Like overseas missions have become this drug that you crave and can't get enough of. I can't live my life like I did on those missions because there's more responsibly here, more to balance.  So I think of the future, this vague picture of what God is calling me to, but even then, the now isn't satisfied. This recurring conversation in my head never seems to find a solutions so it is all pushed away until it finds its way to the surface again. 

But yesterday was different.  In the process of burying it, I heard  "Be still and know that I am God."  Waves of His heavenly presence rushed over me and I could feel my whole body relax.  I could just be. 

In our culture we're always suppose to be doing something, moving ahead, getting things done and it becomes natural to us.  God has called us to be and to do each in their own timing, but so often I overlook the be.  Just sitting in the presence of God goes against my natural instinct, yet it's where I remember who is Lord, who is in control, how much I should be thankful, how much I am loved, and so much more.  Instead of looking to what can satisfy me, I know Who is more than enough.  Its after being that I am best able to do because my focus isn't on doing but on Him.

So I guess my challenge to myself and to you is to strip everything away and just be in the presence of God. 

1 comment:

  1. Loooooooooooooooove this Jilly! Oh man, have I ever been feeling hyper-task-oriented lately!! It is so spiritually draining! I'm reclaiming my BE time, my soak time, my meadow time... "Arise my beloved, and come away with me!!"
